The 911 GT3 RS is the most desirable limited-production sports car that Porsche makes. It is also the most track-focused car ...
He recently posted a 45-minute video to his YouTube channel to provide us with an update on the GT3 RS project. It is a video that will either inspire you or terrify you. His skill and tenacity are ...
快科技11月21日消息,近日,网络上曝光了新款保时捷911 GT3 RS的谍照,揭示了这款更具赛道属性的硬核车型。 相比911 GT3,GT3 RS在外观上更为激进 ...
【懂车之道 产品】近日,懂车之道获悉,新款保时捷911 GT3 RS正在国外赛道做测试,并且公布了部分谍照,新车主打强动力,操控极好的 ...
近日,改款后的保时捷911 GT3车型被拍摄到了谍照,此次拍摄到的款型也被认为是911 GT3系列中的燃油版终极车型。 此次谍照拍摄的地点依然是在德国纽伯格林。而此次拍摄到照片中911 GT3的设计,基本可以确定将会沿用到2026款911 ...
快科技11月25日消息,近日,保时捷911 GT3 RS Manthey官图发布,这款车由改装品牌Manthey基于保时捷911 GT3 RS打造,增加了大量全新的空气动力学套件 ...
Manthey’s newest kit for the Porsche 911 GT3 RS swaps out the rear window for a massive spoiler mount In concert with a bunch of other aero improvements, the giant wing makes a literal tonne of ...
Porsche has revealed an upgrade package developed by Manthey-Racing for the 911 GT3 RS Wild aerodynamic modifications ... There are bigger spoilers front and rear (including a DRS for the rear ...
Past versions have been over-the-top, but the new kit is something else thanks to a monstrous rear wing that helps it produce over 2,000 pounds of downforce. The 911 GT3 RS is a track-focused ...