Anaerobic exercise is a type of exercise that breaks down glucose in the body without using oxygen; anaerobic means "without oxygen". In practical terms, this means that anaerobic exercise is more ...
Objective: To determine the effect of intermittent anaerobic exercise on physical endurance, antioxidant capacity, and lipid peroxidation of brain, heart, and skeletal muscles in mice. Methods: Mice ...
The products do not contain stored chemical energy which can be used in respiration. Anaerobic respiration Mammalian muscle: lactic acid. Yeast: ethanol and carbon dioxide. Some plants ...
Proper exercise profoundly improves our BMR. The exercise is intimately connected with our State of Health and improper BMR will often reflect various disturbances of body and mind. The purpose of the ...
Anaerobic Mammalian muscle: lactic acid. Yeast: ethanol and carbon dioxide. Some plants: ethanol and carbon dioxide. The products still contain stored chemical energy.