The Disney Animal Kingdom has an adorable brand new addition: A baby elephant named Corra. She was born on December 13 and has already made herself at home with her mom. Little Corra is sure to be ...
An African elephant calf has been born at Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park for the first ... hatchling cracks into Gatorland “Mother and baby will undergo continued post-natal exams and ...
The biggest baby in the animal kingdom. When they nurse ... especially when compared to other hefty newborns. On dry land, elephants win the biggest baby award, though "winning," is a relative ...
Born Free said elephants are completely unsuited to being kept in zoos and the breeding serves no meaningful conservation ...
A near-total ban on taking baby African elephants ... She said the highly sociable animals found separations "incredibly traumatising". "Speaking personally as an elephant field biologist, I ...