The externally set assignment is assessed by the art department in each school. Once the ten-hour unaided, supervised time is over, all of the preparatory work is handed in with the finished final ...
are also used as evidence of learning for program assessment. Designing assignment prompts that will allow students to demonstrate one or more program-level outcomes may require thoughtful design at ...
Signature assignments are an embedded assessment strategy in which a common assignment is given to students in several different courses, sections, or co-curricular experiences. This assignment should ...
The default grading view opens to the Users tab, where all students are listed. For those who have made submissions, the link to grade the individual submission appears below their names. If there is ...
Your students will be able to quickly access a detailed explanation as to why they received the grade they did and how to improve for the next assignment. Rubrics convey the assessment standards to ...
When ChatGPT burst onto the global scene, one of its first proving grounds was the classroom. Suddenly, students had access ...