Social media platforms blocked for kids under 16 in Australia! Learn what this groundbreaking law means for your family.
The new legislation — passed Thursday, Nov. 28 — gives platforms including Facebook, Instagram and TikTok a year to begin ...
Age assurance, an umbrella term that refers to technologies for verifying, estimating, or inferring an internet user’s age, is being thrust into the global spotlight thanks to a blanket ban on social ...
The law from the Australian Parliament is the first of its kind and aims to protect kids from the harms of social media.
No trip to Australia is complete without a visit to the awe-inspiring Great Barrier Reef. And while there are numerous ways to see the colorful coral, one of the best options for kids is from an ...
Social media companies argue Australia’s under-16 ban undermines business models reliant on unrestricted, frictionless user ...
Australia has become the first country to ban kids under the age of 16 years. The move has been taken after understanding that social media has been harming kid's mental health, exposing them to ...
Australia has passed legislation to ban under-16s from having an account on social media platforms. In doing so, it has ...
Australia's new social media law targets under 16s, igniting debates on privacy, enforcement, and its broader societal ...