OK, so they don't breathe fire, they don't fly and you can't ride them into battle, but bearded dragons are pretty cool pets.
These quick tips for taking care of bearded dragons will help you keep your loveable reptile happy and healthy. That said, it ...
Setting up a bearded dragon habitat can seem a bit daunting - but not to fear! With these handy tips, you'll get started in ...
Bearded dragons are one of the most popular reptile pets. These Australian lizards are fascinating creatures, and owning one ...
That's right: In warm environments, a type of lizard known as the Australian bearded dragon can switch from having its sex determined by genes to having it determined by temperature. It was a ...
Australia’s grassland earless dragon is no bigger than a pinkie finger when it emerges from its shell, but the little lizard faces an enormous challenge in the years ahead: avoiding extinction.
Reptiles have become very popular among UK pet owners. One favourite is the bearded dragon, which originally hails from the Australian outback. It’s estimated there are half a million in UK homes.