阿拉斯加雪橇犬 (Alaskan Sled Dog)和阿拉斯加马拉穆特(Alaskan Malamute)是两种原始的阿拉斯加工作犬,它们在体型、用途、性格等方面存在一些显著的区别。 外貌区别: 体型: 马拉穆特通常比雪橇犬更大更重。马拉穆特是大型工作犬,具有强壮而结实的体格,而雪橇犬则可能相对较轻巧。头部: 马拉穆特的头部相对宽大,眼睛呈褐色,耳朵直立。雪橇犬的头部相对较小,眼睛多为蓝色或褐色, ...
Related: Malamute Throwing a Fit While Mom Talks ... and all of your stuff - which is where the big dogs come in. Alaskan Malamutes could be used to haul sleds containing people and/or things.
"Love that the workers were all lined up watching," one user said. Another added: "So big but acts like a baby hahaha." ...