地球是一个奇迹摄影|墨西哥宝藏图片将国家地理中文网设为星标方能收到正常推送黑颏北蜂鸟(Black-chinned hummingbirds)广泛分布于美国西部,从低地沙漠到山地森林,再到长满藤蔓的城市。它们主要在墨西哥西部过冬。| 摄影:LUJÁN ...
The western counterpart of the ruby-throated, the black-chinned regularly pumps its tail. Monotypic. Length 3.3–3.8"; bill 16–22 mm. Best marks for all ages are narrow inner primaries and ...
This is one of those cases where a bird in the hand was going to be worth at least two in the bush. We needed a licensed ...
黑颏北蜂鸟(Black-chinned hummingbirds)广泛分布于美国西部,从低地沙漠到山地森林,再到长满藤蔓的城市。它们主要在墨西哥西部过冬。| 摄影 ...
"Last year was the first year I put one out all winter and that's when I started noticing hummingbirds dropping by. "Last ...
Costa’s generally plainer on throat and underparts, without dusky throat spotting. See black-chinned hummingbird.
"Last year was the first year I put one out all winter and that's when I started noticing hummingbirds dropping by. "Last year I had two black-chinned hummingbirds, a broad-tail, a Rufous and one ...
This includes Anna's (Calypte anna) and rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) along with Calliope (Selasphorus calliope) and Black-chinned hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri) more occasionally.
"There's just a lot of reports this year," Johnson said. "We're getting lots of reports of black-chinned hummingbirds this year." He's observing the same at his own home in South Louisiana.