"Bluey" is a beloved Australian children's animated TV series following the imaginative and playful antics of a blue heeler ...
Indeed, these movie easter-eggs are ... this is a show for kids and adults after all. Sometimes, these nuanced moments are what makes Bluey such a great source of cross-generational entertainment.
Our little toy testers went wild. "Both my kids love Bluey and had a lot of fun with accessories like the sunglasses and captain's hat, and putting the characters in different places and being ...
Bluey” fans were ecstatic to see the balloon back on its feet (more suitably, in the air) during the 2024 Macy’s Thanksgiving ...
Australian cartoon dog Bluey, below, will dance alongside Dianne Buswell, Nadiya Bychkova, Neil Jones, Gorka Marquez, Johannes Radebe and Michelle Tsiakkas in a playful dance routine. The jive ...
Like the majority of kids’ TV, episodes are 8-10 minutes long, mostly self-contained, and feature clear morals and bright colours. Episodes revolve around Bluey and Bingo’s boundless energy ...