CGI-animated adventures of the popular builder and his friends. Bob prepares to enter a motorbike race on the beach with a mysterious biker - meanwhile, Scoop and Muck try out the beach race ...
CGI-animated adventures of the popular builder and his friends. Bob and the team are building a new aquarium for a baby tiger shark, but when Scoop decides to treat the creature as his new pet ...
Bob the Builder and pals dig, haul and build together! With friends like Muck the dump truck and Dizzy the cement mixer, Bob and his business partner Wendy live in an imaginative world full of new ...
Bob and the gang have so much fun because working together they get the job done. Warning: theme tune guaranteed to stick in your head! Bob the Builder, can we fix it? Bob the Builder, yes we can!
With the self-sufficient community up and running in the heart of Sunflower Valley, Bob and the team set their sights on a new plan, to construct an amazing new seaside town along the Sunflower Valley ...
The makers of Bob The Builder's Christmas video had to re-record the voice of the children's favourite following complaints that he was using foul language, it has emerged. A number of parents who ...