Our opinions are our own. When you pay your monthly cell phone bill with certain credit cards, you get insurance coverage that can reimburse you for a damaged or stolen phone. You probably shouldn ...
Mobile phones are becoming more sophisticated and valuable, which makes getting the right insurance to protect you from loss, theft or damage so important. In return for a monthly or annual ...
Dropping your phone is never a pleasant experience, especially if you lack a case, screen protector and/or phone insurance. Phones already cost so much — newer Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and ...
Mobile phones are becoming more sophisticated and valuable, which makes getting the right insurance to protect you from loss, theft or damage so important. In return for a monthly or annual ...
Learn more about our advertising and trusted partners. Credit card mobile device insurance typically includes $1,000 in coverage for a damaged or stolen phone, as long as you purchased the device ...
With an estimated 1.5 phones being lost, stolen, or damaged every second, is the situation important enough that consumers should have phone insurance to protect against lost or stolen devices ...