Statistics show the football matches helped attract 380,000 tourists to the county during the holiday as of Oct. 5, up 30.67 ...
最迷人的秋色,藏在自然之间。当秋风轻轻拂过,林木间的秋天便再也藏不住了。树影婆娑间,满载着诗情和画意。Changchun南湖公园满园秋色拾不尽。南湖公园的秋天,出了名的美。这里的水和蓝天一样清凉,天上微微有些白云,水面微微有些波皱。绚烂的秋色,在这“ ...
本次换季后,华夏航空重庆出港航点调整为66个,分别为:万象、曼谷、阿尔山、阿克苏、包头、北海、常德、郴州、承德、赤峰、大连、东营、鄂尔多斯、鄂州、福州、哈密、海口、邯郸、衡阳、呼和浩特、济宁、嘉峪关、揭阳、荆州、库尔勒、昆明、兰州、连云港、临汾、柳州、洛阳、吕梁、梅州、宁波、衢州、泉州、三明、上海浦东、上饶、韶关、邵阳、沈阳、石家庄、台州、天津、天水、温州、文山、乌海、芜湖、西宁、西双版纳、锡林浩 ...
Liu Changchun,holder of the national 100m record of 10.7 sec for 25 year,took part in the 1932 Olympic Games as the first Chinese Olympian,Here he is shown at the Sixth National Game in 1935.
Aproximadamente dos meses después de la clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de París, el entusiasmo del pueblo chino por el ...