once when you purchase and again when you pay your bill. This gives you a 2% cash back rate on all purchases, making it one of the highest flat-rate cards available. One key advantage of Citi ...
Citi is one of a handful of credit ... the high interest charged by other credit cards. A balance_transfer_duration_months breather will help you pay off your balances faster, potentially saving ...
we think the Citi Double Cash® Card from our partner Citi, is an amazing option for earning a straightforward return on spending if you pay your bill in full each month. And with a competitive ...
Carrying a balance on a high-interest credit card can be costly. But moving the debt to a balance transfer credit card can help you save hundreds in the long run. If you need more than a year to ...
The Citi Double Cash Card's appeal lies in its simplicity. Cardholders earn 1% cash back on all purchases and an additional 1% cash back when they pay their bill, resulting in a total of 2% cash back.