Although chromium has been known as an essential trace mineral since the 1950s, studies in the 1990s and 2000s showed that ...
Study examines how individual variation in dry matter intake may affect production outcomes.
Following calving, both the study and control groups received mineral supplementation.
In early September, a lorry load of our finished cattle headed up to Yorkshire for slaughter. These were 28-month-old heifers ...
As we get further into the lactation, closer to drying-off and closer to the housing period, body condition scoring (BCS) ...
Internal parasites are the bane of most farmers’ existence as they are hard to detect, control, preventor manage. Thankfully, ...
At this time of year, many farmers are organising their animal health plan and tackling resistant worms to cover their cattle over ...
Vaccinating calves before marketing is the most common part considered in today’s preconditioning programs. Vaccinations help ...
McDonald’s is stepping into the regulatory arena alongside the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to challenge a suspected meat ...
The decision on whether to sell spring-born calves at weaning or keep them for backgrounding hinges on evaluation of feed ...
For the big southern family-owned grass and grainfed beef operation Ogilvie Group, the secret to being able to supply the ...
By bringing more context to your reproduction program, you can make better decisions to improve your bottom line and help ...