The controversy I'm referring to is the pruning -- or shall I call it the annual butchering -- of crape myrtles. This happens almost like clockwork. I was speaking with a nursery friend of mine ...
Step 1 - Water Thoroughly: "As winter approaches, give your crape myrtle a deep watering to help it withstand the dry winter months," he notes. "Especially if your area doesn’t ...
No good pruning article would be complete without a word or two on pruning crape myrtle. In the past, it was true that you pruned crape myrtles to reduce powdery mildew infestations. With today ...
Q. My crape myrtles have lost most of their leaves. Can I do needed pruning now? A. Better wait until late winter to do major pruning of crape myrtles. The shrub and tree forms are totally hardy ...