If you're looking for something new to read with your kids, these modern fairy tales are worth adding to your home library.
Thought fairy tales were all pampered princesses and happily ... “From this story one learns that children, especially young lasses, do very wrong to listen to strangers. Alas!
Fairy stories are imaginary tales set in fantastical lands. Take these ducks for example. Well, the name 'fairy story' might make you think that the story would be about fairies and nothing else.
Tales of Hans Christian Andersen. audioTales of Hans Christian Andersen A collection of well-known fairy stories by Hans Christian Andersen, adapted for children aged 7 - 11 and read by Anne-Marie ...
I must have an amazing memory, because I can actually quote, verbatim, the opening and closing lines of those tales. “Once ...
Skeleton Crew is going to be doing something very different with the Star Wars franchise and it’s going to have a different ...