Following the devastating opening sequence of Finding Nemo, it is understandable that Marlin becomes cautious and an overly ...
A computer-animated adventure film series about a clownfish named Nemo, his over-protective father Marlin and a regal tang named Dory.
"Finding Nemo" was, in part, an attempt to make a movie with that approach. As Nemo, Marlin, and Dory traveled around the ocean, they bump into dangerous sea creatures. "Nemo is working with the ...
The cast and crew of Finding Nemo Jr. have an extra reason to bring forward the best possible production for the Seaway ...
Disney’s Finding Nemo Jr. is a musical adaptation of the beloved 2003 Pixar movie Finding Nemo, with music by award winning songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. Marlin, an ...
An animated superhero film follows Bob and Helen Parr, a couple of superheroes, known as Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl, ...
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi ISD students have taken a dive into the theatre for a live musical experience of Finding Nemo ... their quest to find Marlin's son Nemo!
Jackson Elementary Drama Club’s production of Finding Nemo Jr. this weekend. The show will be performed at the Frewsburg High ... Josephine Vaughn will play Nemo on Saturday night and at the Sunday ...
Journey Theater presents “Finding Nemo, Jr.” through Nov. 16 at Manor Evangelical Church, 17913 N.E. 72nd Ave., Battle Ground. The story follows Marlin, an anxious clownfish who lives in the ...