Khronos Group, an open consortium of tech companies focused on interoperability standards, has announced the release of ...
因为这些API能有效优化不同GPU硬件的3D图形渲染。 根据此前爆料,M4 Ultra将拥有高达32个核心的CPU和80个核心的GPU,其规格较现有的M4 Max芯片翻倍。
该 API 允许开发者定义自定义光栅管道并直接向 GPU 提交绘制调用,使开发者能够创建专门的渲染器,如 2D 画布替代品、3D 场景图,甚至是粒子系统 ...
The DMP ant300 is the world’s smallest class 3D graphics IP core supporting OpenGL ES2.0 capability. It is the premiere solution for popular ASIC/ASSP/SoC/FPGA applications on wearables , IoT and ...
NEMA®|GUI-Builder automatically produces power and performance optimized C code with a small memory footprint by utilizing the powerful 3D features of the NEMA®|GPU-Series. NEMA®|GUI-Builder includes ...
IT之家 3 月 19 日消息,英伟达正在举办的 GTC 开发者大会上,推出了一项全新的服务,帮助企业将 3D 应用 ... Clouds API,使用英伟达 Graphics Delivery ...
特点:Three.js 是最流行的WebGL库之一,它简化了3D图形编程,让开发者可以更容易地创建3D场景。Three.js支持几何体、纹理、光源等,提供了丰富的API来处理动画、物理模拟等功能。
There’s a new platform that can create 3D images on the fly, adding to the already powerful arsenal of tools genAI has ...
We have tested the Apple M4 chipset on several benchmarks including Geekbench, 3DMark, Cinebench 2024, and more.