In 1985, recombinant human growth hormone was approved for the treatment of children with growth hormone deficiency. This therapeutic agent was among the first drugs to be produced by recombinant ...
Although the mechanism of hypothyroidism after growth hormone replacement therapy remains unclear, this therapy has been reported to increase peripheral deiodination of T 4 to T 3 and secretion of ...
In doing so, plants have evolved mechanisms to ... is that environmental and hormone pathways can be integrated during signaling by hubs or 'master regulators' of growth, such as the PIF ...
The selective weed killer contains a growth hormone that causes the weeds to grow too quickly and die. Because the weeds have broader leaves, the weed killer is absorbed in larger quantities by ...
The selective weedkiller contains a growth hormone that causes the weeds to grow too quickly and die. Because most weeds have broader leaves than grass or wheat, the weedkiller is absorbed in ...