“旅客迎面走来,往往会被立柱正前方的广告吸引,很难注意到立柱一侧的云谷·金街广告,这一点我们也发现了,会改善的。”于先生说,立柱旁边也设计了云谷·金街的展陈。“我们针对大家反映的问题,将继续想办法加强指引,方便群众找到配套商业、餐饮商户。” ...
Global trade records reviewed by The Associated Press show a printing company in China’s eastern city of Hangzhou shipped ...
HANGZHOU, China, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- No matter the distance, true friendship knows no boundaries. In the golden autumn of September, when the sweet fragrance of osmanthus fills the ...
浙江日报绍兴10月15日电 (记者 王佳) 15日上午,绍兴市越城区鉴湖街道坡塘村掀起了一阵阵“播”澜。现场有序排列着21个直播间,在主播卖力的吆喝声中,一件件绍兴土特产“飞”向全国各地。当天,“云播筑梦 智惠兴农”农发甄选直播电商产业园启动仪式在这里举行。越城文旅集团农业发展建设公司发布“农发甄选”LOGO,并与各镇街强村公司完成直播签约。
Reduction in Return Logistics Costs: Tuihuobao, a new return service launched in September, has served ~1 million merchants. It has reduced merchant return order logistics costs by 23% in the past ...
9月23日,在杭州亚运会成功举办一周年之际,由杭州市体育局主办的“纪念亚运一周年系列活动之‘亚运记忆’开放日”活动在杭州亚运会开闭幕式场地——杭州奥体中心体育场(大莲花)举行。记者从市体育局了解到,杭州将把9月23日定为体育场馆开放日,市民朋友可以在 ...
His team analyzed literature on miRNA, summarizing the close relationship between these small molecules and cancer. miRNA is a type of non-coding RNA that does not encode proteins, but can target more ...
The company has a new logo, designed by Pentagram, that looks incredibly plain — especially compared to previous iterations of the logo that featured a rakish slant, two shades of blue ...
Tourists walk past a Tiktok logo by the West Lake in Hangzhou, east China’s Zhejiang province.. Photo: Getty Images Social media companies collect, share and process vast troves of information ...
The Hangzhou-based e-commerce giant said it will invest up to US$3.75 billion to buy the remaining shares from minority shareholders of Cainiao Alibaba chairman Joe Tsai said the company had decided ...
Global trade records reviewed by The Associated Press show a printing company in China’s eastern city of Hangzhou shipped close to 120,000 of the Bibles to the United States between early ...