Crossbreeding Holsteins with beef breeds improves the meat quality without affecting milk production. Jim said beef-on- dairy can improve marbling, average daily gain, yield grade and quality grade.
Holstein dairy cattle await their release after an afternoon milking at Riegel Dairy in Washington on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024.
Dairy farm size in the United States (US) looks set to increase further during the period ahead as economic pressures within ...
The downside of a dairy herd with less than 5% mastitis is having to maintain a stock of in-date antibiotics. This is the ...
It was a milk run with a difference when 50 high quality Australian dairy heifers were flown from Sydney to Jakarta ...
More than 5,000 visitors are expected to attend the the 38th Royal Ulster Winter Fair in Northern Ireland today.
A genomic profitable lifetime index of £928 and the best EnviroCow score of the breed has put Denovo 20893 Harmony at the top ...
The farms milk American Jersey cattle, which produce a higher quality, though lower quantity, than comes from the bigger ...
Fifty dairy cows flown to Jakarta are the first Australian cattle to be exported to Indonesia as part of President Prabowo ...
High-quality Holstein springers topped the market at a stunning $4,250 per head at the Pipestone Livestock Auction in ...