Get Kindle books free from your library. The Libby app is the best way to get new, popular titles for free. You can also use Amazon's top 100 list, find classics for free, and subscribe to free ...
If you're a fan of reading books on e-readers, few are as good as the Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition, but it's also one ...
It's a great e-reader. In fact, we think the Kindle Paperwhite might just be the best all-around e-reader there is. However, ...
And the books that you choose to download are yours to keep. SEE ALSO: The Kindle Paperwhite made me enjoy reading books again This latest Stuff Your Kindle Day is a romance-focused free book ...
If you can forgo color, though, the Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition is perfectly simple as a book and, if you want extra storage, could be better value than the standard Paperwhite.