The Gospel of the Lord. R. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Following a time of silence, all join in prayers of intercession. Then, in preparation for holy Communion, all recite the Lord's Prayer.
but the living presence of Jesus Christ. In recent years I have observed that a growing number of young Catholics, particularly seminarians, choose now to receive holy Communion on the tongue.
Their first Holy Communion is just a few days away. The teacher was giving us the body of Christ and it represents when Jesus gave his body out to the disciples and it's like we're the disciples.
A service of Word and Sacrament, according to Common Worship, in which the Holy Scriptures are read, prayers are offered, and bread and wine are consecrated and received as the body and blood of Jesus ...
The Christian ritual of Holy Communion is introduced. Communion means, simply, 'togetherness' and this is a ritual to show the togetherness of Christians and God. The Last Supper was Jesus' last ...