The Animated Series, celebrating the fights that explore Batmans resilience, detective skills, and relationships with allies and foes alike. As Batman: TAS episodes were aired out of production order, ...
Batman: The Animated Series may be an esteemed cartoon, but not every line of dialogue from the acclaimed show has aged ...
The Animated Series" returned to play key roles. Kevin Conroy provides the voice of Batman, and Mark Hamill returns as the Joker. "The Killing Joke" is scheduled to be released on Digital HD and ...
“I did play Joker for a while,” Curry explained, “but I had bronchitis and they fired me – and hired Mark Hamill. That’s life.” But the series’ showrunner, Bruce Timm, recently spoke ...
Their new DC Direct figures have been a real treat, bringing back some previous DC Direct releases from Batman: The Animated Series ... The Last Laugh: The Joker/Harlequinade/The Last Laugh ...
This 12-disc box set includes all 85 episodes of the original animated series ... scenes as the Joker. Then there are other episodes, full of intrigue, mystery, and crime as Batman tangles with ...
The Batman director Matt Reeves established a new shared universe focusing on Batman with the 2022 movie, and was the executive producer of HBO’s The Penguin as well as Amazon Prime’s animated ...
That would be that Barry Keoghan, teased as The Batman’s in-universe Joker in the first movie, would get his own series that would serve as a bridge between the second and third movies ...
Inspired by the legendary 90s animated series Batman: The Animated Series ... Harley Quinn: the trusty sidekick of The Joker, she will stop at nothing to keep him safe and to gain his approval!