In the early 1490s, Leonardo da Vinci tackled his most ambitious work yet – The Last Supper. Leonardo da Vinci started The Last Supper in the early 1490s. At the time, depictions of Christ ...
Ken Burns dives into the boundless curiosity at the core of Leonardo da Vinci's exploits in new PBS documentary.
Directors Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, and David McMahon tell IndieWire about the visual tricks that opened up the mind of ...
Leonardo trains as an artist and eventually paints a masterpiece: The Last Supper. Leonardo da Vinci grows up in a Tuscan ...
For his first non-American subject, documentary filmmaker Ken Burns chose Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci.
Ken Burns documentaries are their own category. There are documentaries, and then there are Ken Burns documentaries. Burns’ ...
Leonardo da Vinci' directors Ken Burns, Sarah Burns and David McMahon on their PBS documentary about the Italian Renaissance ...