The Lion King is an animated musical drama film about the adventure of a cub named Simba, who is the crown prince of an ...
In the enchanting follow-up to Disney's 1994 animated classic, Simba rules the pride with his lioness mate, Nala, but has problems keeping up with his headstrong daughter Kiara. A "Romeo and ...
This is to avoid breeding with close relatives. Which brings up the possibility of incest in The Lion King. Nala is about the same age as Simba. "She is at least a sort of cousin of Simba and ...
Blue Ivy Carter walked the red carpet with her family on Monday for her feature film debut in the new Disney film "Mufasa: The Lion King." Twelve-year-old Blue Ivy will voice the role of Princess ...
Before you start the task of welcoming Timon and Pumbaa to your valley, you'll need to have the Lion King realm unlocked and ...
“The Lion King” is still ... was a bright-eyed boyish Simba, bringing innocence and playfulness to his first big song “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King” and to his act-ending encounter ...