本文编译自 IGN US 相关内容,原作者 Logan Plant,翻译 Zoe,编辑 Kamui Ye,未经授权禁止转载。 如果你在过去的一年里一直都没太留意相关消息 ...
本文编译自 IGN US 相关内容,原作者 Logan Plant,编译 Tony,未经授权禁止转载。 任天堂是家很「怪」的公司,而这也是我爱任天堂的原因之一。
Logan Plant is IGN's Database Manager, Playlist Editor, occasional news writer, and frequent Super Ninfriendo on Nintendo Voice Chat. Ace Attorney is his favorite video game franchise of all time ...
Logan Plant is IGN's Database Manager, Playlist Editor, occasional news writer, and frequent Super Ninfriendo on Nintendo Voice Chat. He is patiently awaiting the day Nintendo announces a brand ...
Super Mario Party Jamboree reviewed by Logan Plant on Nintendo Switch.Super Mario Party Jamboree is an amazing follow-up to Mario Party Superstars and easily one of the best games in the series.