A dentist has shared the one common mistake which often leads to yellow teeth, and is easily fixable. Having discoloured ...
making the teeth more sensitive. Brushing immediately after could further damage the enamel. Though we've been taught to brush our teeth for two minutes morning and night, thoroughness is key.
One dentist has shared a very simple piece of advice that could make a huge difference to the health of your teeth, and it's ...
To brush or not to brush...Do you brush your teeth and then have breakfast, or breakfast and then brush? If you do it after - ...
Yes, most parents make sure their kids look after their ... and say it isn't the job of schools to ensure children brush their teeth. Tanya Taylor from Darwen, who has two children - one at ...
But simply running a toothbrush over your teeth quickly is not good enough. If you want to do everything you can to maintain good mouth health, there is a right way to brush your teeth.
Fluoride fills these gaps to make your teeth strong ... smell good and keep our teeth healthy. Brush your teeth in the morning and before bed. When you brush your teeth, remember to spit out ...
Recommending her patients to use toothpaste after eating breakfast or in the middle of the day to help maintain good breath, ...