Bunraku, named for Uemura Bunrakuken, the owner of an Osaka puppet theatre, has its roots in the seventeenth century, and especially in the plays of Chikamatsu. Writing often for puppets rather ...
Emma Boor, the founder of Wild Boor Ideas, has been creating characters and puppets since a very early age. She said, “Playing is really ...
The puppet bridge restoration was the starting point for creating a string puppet version of Cinderella A unique bridge in a puppet theatre that gives audiences a "magical" experience has been ...
The first study of its kind in English, Popular Puppet Theatre in Europe is less a history than a comparative study, highlighting a significant aspect of social and cultural history from a national ...
Upfront puppet museum near Penrith, Cumbria, has been 40 years in the making and is the brainchild of former theatre designer John Parkinson. Now aged 70, he came up with the idea after being ...
A vision board shows ideas for items to potentially build for the upcoming Harvest Festival Community Puppet Parade during a puppet build day at the Little Theatre Auditorium in New London on ...