在视频通讯日益普及的今天,一家名为Sieve的AI初创公司带来了一项可能改变视频互动方式的创新技术。该公司 最新 推出的API声称能够通过一次简单的调用,实现视频中眼神接触的自动修复,这一突破性进展有望为视频内容带来更强的吸引力和互动性。
Meta 的 FAIR 团队最近推出了一款名为 Dualformer 的全新 Transformer 模型,该模型模仿人类的双重认知系统,能够无缝整合快速和慢速推理模式,在推理能力和计算效率上取得了显著突破。 传统的 Transformer ...
Watching an invasive apex predator swallow a full-sized deer in front of you is something that you will never forget." ...
2024年9月27日,脚本语言Tcl/Tk正式发布了9.0版本,这标志着自1997年推出8.0版本以来的首个大版本飞跃。Tcl(Tool Command Language)由约翰·奥斯特豪特(John Ousterhout)于上世纪80年代后期开发,旨在提供一个高效的脚本执行环境,特别适用于快速开发命令行指令和脚本。Tcl/Tk的广泛使用主要得益于其强大的GUI扩展Tk,它为各种操作系统提供了图形 ...
For the second time since March, a cybersecurity firm has discovered troubling malware software packages uploaded to the ...
Tropical environments are often home to countless reptiles, like snakes, alligators and lizards — the type of wildlife you ...
There, she dabbled with Python, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and all sorts of electronic components. When she isn't in front of her computer, she's either watching the latest tech reviews or tinkering ...
The decentralized finance app lost nearly $4 million thanks to an interaction between an old bug and a new input validation vulnerability.