Experiments at TU Wien (Vienna) have now shown that the nerve cells of the retina (the so-called retinal ganglion cells) can take on different roles and thus fulfil individually different tasks ...
Dr. Roxana Redis: Retinal organoids have shown remarkable promise, especially in cases where traditional models fall short.
The retina is often called an “outpost of the brain” because crucial visual signal processing happens in the eye’s nerve ...
In the tadpole stage, the eyes are lateral and all ganglion cells project axons to the contralateral side of the brain (retina is denoted by curves, ganglion cell axons are denoted by lines).
The retina is often referred to as an "outpost of the brain"—after all, important steps in visual signal processing do not ...
Cell replacement therapy offers a therapeutic approach for patients with advanced disease in which there has been loss of photoreceptors, RPE or retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Age-related macular ...
This process happens via cells known as ganglion cells in the retina. Refrain from using electronic devices at night due to ...
In wild-type, retinal ganglion cell layer (GCL), inner nuclear layer (INL), inner plexiform layer (IPL), and nuclear layers of rod and cone photoreceptors are distinct, and rod outer segment (OS ...
If retinal neurons could be regenerated from progenitor cells that live within the adult human body, these patients could have their vision restored. I study the development of retinal ganglion cells, ...
This vision loss is attributable to a loss of ganglion cells in the retina whose functional deficits Kraft was able to measure in an animal model of dementia. What are the next exciting step? Several ...