In the dark ocean depths, seals hunt prey with their highly sensitive whiskers, which detect vibrations. It is the design of those hairs that inspired a University of Texas at Dallas researcher to ...
Harbour seals' whiskers are so sensitive they can sense a fish over 35m away. Their whiskers can also determine the size and shape of a fish using vibrations from the water The UK supports nearly ...
DESCRIPTION: The bearded seal gets its name from its thick, elegantly curled, and very abundant whiskers. It is the largest Arctic pinniped after the walrus, averaging 7.2 feet in length and 484 to ...
The seal was put in storage back in 2012 while renovation work took place in Warrington Museum, but it is back on display and remains one of the most popular items based in the museum. At the time the ...
The seal’s body, whiskers and nose are outfitted with visual, tactile and auditory sensors. Using artificial intelligence, it can recognize its surroundings and respond to being rubbed with ...