There are a lot of issues that can disturb women's sleep at night. One thing that is particular to us is our hormones. So various phases of life, whether it's pregnancy or menopause-- pregnancy ...
Burdened with household chores and outdated notions about work, Japanese women get the least amount of sleep among 33 countries surveyed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
This woman absolutely did not square with my idea of sleep apnea's human profile. I’d always thought apnea—wherein a sleeping person’s airway regularly collapses, and their breathing stops ...
But when someone has sleep apnea, that repairing ability doesn’t work as well, Merrill says. It’s not clear yet—more research is needed. “It could be hormonal or represent women being more ...
Now, a relatively new study has come out that suggests a common sleep disorder that causes loud snoring may increase women’s dementia risk. It associates a sleeping disorder called obstructive ...
A common yet underdiagnosed sleep disorder contributes to the development of dementia among adults -; particularly women, a Michigan Medicine study suggests. Investigators uncovered this by ...