The story revolves around Suha, the spoiled and only daughter of her father and engaged to Essam. During a trip she falls from a hill and loses her eyesight, her fiancée abandons her. Suha loses ...
In Svalbard, the northernmost inhabited region of Europe, the sun doesn’t set from April 10 to August 23. Here, you can live for days without darkness, and don’t miss out on the chance to ...
Movie"A powerfully dramatic story of men of empire and the women they love...excitement, mystery, intrigue and romance...woven into a thrilling tapestry of entertainment" ...
The Midnight Sun Marathon is the most northerly road race in the world – around 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle. It takes place in the “land of perpetual sunshine” – the stunning ...
There’s a kind of magic to the way the sun sets over the Western Bulldogs' spiritual home down on the corner of Gordon ... While the boots, the socks, and the spare pairs of shorts are now gone ...