Endocrine Neoplasia Translational Research Center, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, and Tel Aviv University Faculty of Medicine, Ramat Gan, Israel This ...
The regulation and remodeling of the tumor microenvironment (TME) are closely associated with how cancers typically progress ...
本文已于2024年10月9日被撤回: 本文已由主编要求撤回。对图2D、图4C、图5B和图6B的可靠性提出了质疑。此外,在提供的原始数据集中,似乎存在部分或完全相同的额外图像,而这些图像却代表着不同的样本。相关图像的详细信息如下: ...
Using a system of genetic barcodes and a novel single-cell sequencing method, a research team at the Istituto Italiano di ...
Breast cancer is the number one cancer among women: more than 2 million cases were diagnosed worldwide in 2022. It is also ...
【导读】铁是人体必需的生物矿物质。在这项研究中,团队描述了一个载铁癌症相关成纤维细胞的子集,称为FerroCAFs,它们利用铁诱导前列腺癌中的免疫抑制并预测不良的临床结果。2024年10月20日,上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院朱鹤团队在期刊《Natu ...
Using a system of genetic barcodes and a novel single-cell sequencing method, a research team at the Istituto Italiano di ...
New fungal compounds show promise in treating colorectal cancer by targeting a key enzyme, according to a study.
Chloride ion flows that enter the cells play an important role in the duplication of glioblastoma cells, a highly aggressive ...
Analysis - Breast cancer is the number one cancer among women: more than 2 million cases were diagnosed worldwide in 2022. It ...
2020年5月4日,中山大学附属孙逸仙纪念医院&广东省人民医院在Molecular Cancer (中科院一区 IF=27.7)期刊上在线发表题为 "circNFIB1 inhibits lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic ...