Medically reviewed by Jane Kim, MDIf you're wondering how to get rid of phlegm in your chest and throat, you can try drinking ...
White mucus can be caused by: A virus or other pathogen. However, respiratory tract mucus (sputum) infected with bacteria tends to be green, yellow, or another color, not clear or white.
Clear mucus is totally normal ... and alcohol can also turn your mucus white. Acid reflux (also known as heartburn) or dry conditions may also be the culprit. When you have an infection, your ...
The build-up of infectious agents and white blood cells may thicken your mucus. Your mucus is generally clear, "but some mild coloration is not typically cause for alarm," Philip Chen, MD ...
A pneumonia cough may sound deeper or louder than other coughs, and you may notice dryness or phlegm. But it also depends on ...