This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. If you have any of the following health problems ...
Pedialyte is a popular hydration product for children, the elderly, and the hungover. But how long does a bottle of Pedialyte ...
Dextrose 5.3g or 5.6g (fruit), sodium 9mEq, potassium 4mEq, chloride 7mEq, zinc 1.6mg, Calories 21 or 22 (fruit); per 6.8oz; liq; contains acesulfame; fruit, cherry ...
Dextrose 25g, sodium 45mEq, potassium 20mEq, chloride 35mEq, zinc 7.8mg, Calories 100; per 1 liter; liq. As sole therapy in severe continuing diarrhea. Intractable vomiting. Adynamic ileus ...