Президент Саломе Зурабишвили заявила, что присоединится к акции «Грузия выбирает Европу», запланированной на 20 октября. Она ...
The memorandum notes that since Georgia’s restoration of independence, there has been no full lustration, full disclosure of ...
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said, following the meeting of the 3+3 Regional Platform on October 18 in ...
The Ambassador addressed the conclusions of the European Council meeting and underlined the key messages of the document: the ...
According to recent reports, Georgian Dream officials are allegedly confiscating ID cards from opposition-supporting civil ...
On October 18, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze appointed Tinatin Rukhadze as the new Minister of Culture, Science, and ...
On October 16, the NBG sold USD 64.9 million in a foreign exchange auction. “Large one-time transactions continue to ...
The fight against the Russian-style Foreign Agents Law continues in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) after the ...
On October 17, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reiterated Russia’s readiness to help Georgia “normalize ...
On October 17, the European Council issued the conclusions of its meeting, reiterating its “serious concern regarding the ...
16 октября НБГ продал на валютном аукционе 64,9 миллиона долларов США. «На валютном рынке сохраняется эффект разовых крупных ...
მანამდე ეროვნული ბანკის ინტერვენცია 8 ოქტომბერს განხორციელდა. ეროვნულმა ბანკმა 48,5 მლნ აშშ დოლარი გაყიდა. სებ-ის ოფიციალურ ...