Now in its second year, we will once again be highlighting the Republic of Ghana, with D.C. United hosting Asante Kotoko S.C.
If you enjoy historical stories of conspiracy, politics, cover-ups, and assassinations, this tour is for you. This tour ...
Washington, DC is a vibrant and diverse city with an array of unique neighborhoods waiting to be explored. Each area boasts its own distinct character, attractions and hidden gems. Whether you're a ...
菲利普收藏馆在华盛顿特区举办首场展览,专门纪念美国社会现实主义的领军艺术家 每日,17 年 2024 月 05 日至 2025 年 10 月 00 日。上午 5:00 至下午 XNUMX:XNUMX 威廉·格罗珀(生于 1897 年,纽约州 ...
亚伯拉罕制作公司 (Abraham Productions) 宣布,今年 10 月将在圣经博物馆举办一场为期三天的盛大活动,展示南方福音音乐和布道的最佳作品。六场音乐会和完整的崇拜、讲道、祈祷以及参观博物馆 ...
探索历史悠久(且有些隐蔽)的后街,那里聚集着华盛顿特区最受欢迎的餐厅、酒吧和房地产。 19 世纪,数百条砖砌小巷隐藏在特区的排屋后面。那里有马厩、车间和简陋的房屋,工人阶级家庭 ...
穿上你的裙子,穿上你的舞鞋。 在这个行程中,您将回到禁酒时代,当时这座城市充满了爵士乐和隐藏在众目睽睽之下的秘密酒吧。 在持证导游的带领下,开始您的华盛顿特区假期,享受清晨 ...
Dig in to DC's restaurant scene, one of the most acclaimed in the nation and filled with can't-miss dishes and drinks. When you visit Washington, DC, you’ll experience a dining scene as colorful and ...
Los candidatos a vicepresidente del Medio Oeste, el gobernador de Minnesota, Tim Walz (demócrata), y el senador de Ohio, JD Vance (republicano), se reúnen para debatir políticas y potencialmente crear ...
Saboreie os sabores de dar água na boca do churrasco habilmente defumado preparado pelo Mestre do Churrasco do The District, Roger Sherman. Cada mordida macia e suculenta será perfeitamente ...
Kommen Sie zu einem stimmungsvollen Abend im Hard Rock Cafe und feiern Sie den Monat des hispanischen Kulturerbes! Fuerza Latina widmet sich der Anerkennung der reichen kulturellen Beiträge und der ...
Combinando tecidos ricamente coloridos, objetos encontrados, contas e muito mais, a artista multidisciplinar Suchitra Mattai (n. 1973, Georgetown, Guiana) explora temas de história, identidade e ...