The unique beauty of gem sapphires from Kashmir has brought fame to a locality about which little has been reported in recent years. After an initial burst of activity 100 years ago, the production of ...
The GIA Laboratory-Grown Diamond Report includes full quality assessment with a plotted clarity diagram. Color and clarity specification are described on the same scale as the GIA Diamond Grading ...
Success in the gem and jewelry industry requires keeping abreast of gem discoveries, new treatments and synthetics and their detection, and evolving technologies. The 2018 GIA Symposium – “New ...
Two new deposits of Cu-bearing tourmaline have been found in Paraíba State, Brazil, not far from the original source at Mina da Batalha. The Glorious mine has produced a limited amount of gem-quality ...
Pictured above, a South Sea cultured pearl containing an RFID tag, an RFID reader, and a GIA Cultured Pearl Classification Report describing the RFID reference number. Fukui Shell Nucleus Factory uses ...
CARLSBAD, California – September 23, 2024 – Everything retailers and their customers need to know about diamonds just got easier to find and understand with GIA’s redesigned consumer-facing website ...
Diamond is available in a range of sizes and qualities to fit every consumer's tastes. One of the first things most people learn about diamonds is that not all diamonds are created equal. In fact, ...
This 7.19-carat alexandrite was cut to feature its beautiful color change. When the light source changes from daylight to incandescent light, the gem’s color changes from bluish green to reddish ...
橄榄石、尖晶石和褐红条纹玛瑙是三种八月生日石。众所周知,橄榄石生日石是在极端条件下形成的,可在硬化的熔岩中找到。这些岩浆从地幔深处携带橄榄石而来,也可以从来自外太空的陨石 ...
This sapphire from Kashmir has an intense velvety blue color. – Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA. Sapphire is one of the Big three of jewelry colored gemstones—the other two are ruby and emerald. A durable ...
The majority of saltwater and freshwater pearls bought and sold in the global jewelry markets are “whole pearls,” sometimes referred to as “cyst pearls” (CIBJO, 2017). These pearls form within the ...
需小心护理以避免损坏。月光石是拥有近乎神奇光泽的珠宝。 - Richard Krementz Gemstones 友情提供 硬度和韧度 莫氏硬度用以衡量宝石和矿物的硬度。 这些数字基于一种矿物可被其他物品划伤的相对 ...