SAN FRANCISCO - UA California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) thiab Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) tau nthuav tawm ib qho kev sib tham nrog pej xeem daim duab uas muab 3D sawv cev ntawm ...
Join the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) at the U.C. Merced Conference Center for its annual Small Business Diversity and Resources Fair! The Authority is hosting this FREE event to ...
The Board of Directors is responsible for setting policy directives for the California High-Speed Rail Authority, and for the development and approval of the Authority’s key policy documents. Final ...
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) anticipates issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to procure an architectural and engineering (A&E) contract for Property Management ...
We anticipate the 2020 Business Plan will come before the Board for adoption in our December meeting. This puts us on schedule to deliver the report to the legislature by the deadline of December 15, ...
While the Board did not meet in August, I provided a CEO Report to Board Members which was also made available on our website. I want to highlight some of the progress that occurred between the July ...
Txoj kev tsheb ciav hlau uas ceev khiav ceev mus rau California thaum kawg yuav mus txog li 800 mais kev tsheb ciav hlau, muaj txog 24 lub chaw nres tsheb. Vim tias qhov phiaj xwm ntawd loj heev, ...
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) and the Merced to Madera Design Services Consultant Team will be on hand to present information on proposed Fairmead community improvements related ...
笔记: 感兴趣的公司应准备公司能力声明,其中包括当前的许可证和认证状态以及他们感兴趣的领域。这些信息将允许 Paragon Partners Consultants 评估并适当介绍 their 采购团队. 如需咨询和/或翻译 ...
旧金山—— 加州高速铁路管理局(管理局)和跨湾联合权力机构(TJPA)推出了一件互动公共艺术作品,以 3D 形式呈现了 The Portal 项目,该项目将为多式联运的 Salesforce 交通中心带来高速铁路 ...
如需咨询和/或翻译支持,请致电 (916) 324-1541 或发送电子邮件 邮箱:[email protected]. 如需 TTY/TTD 帮助,请致电 (800) 881-5799 或拨打 ...