Welcome to the 200th edition of my Moon Monday blog+newsletter! 🚀🌗 I’d like to take this moment to highlight four things working on Moon Monday has enabled: 1. An extensive 4-year archive of curated ...
A space mission is an immensely complex undertaking. Hundreds to thousands of experts from several distinct fields come together to build the thousands of parts and functions of a spacecraft. To ...
For most of the 20th century, scientists thought the Moon’s surface was bone-dry. The 382 kilograms of rock and soil samples brought by the Apollo missions to Earth attested to this. When they did ...
The real Lord of the Rings is Saturn, a massive outer planet boasting a set of rings about 27 Earths wide. Being a gas giant like Jupiter, Saturn shares many of its attributes: a strong magnetic field ...
Many of my headlines make little sense to Google, Web Search Engines, and for SEO. For example, I titled Moon Monday #199 as “Not the fault in our stars but certainly stressful faults on our Moon”.
Unlike the millions of years it takes for most mountains on Earth to form, lunar mountains crop out near-instantly, geologically speaking. Earth’s mountains primarily form when two colliding plates of ...
Unlike traditional missions, these CLPS missions will be fully built, operated and managed by their companies, with minimal oversight from NASA. The agency only dictates preferences for the landing ...
Seen here is the largest valley on the Moon, Vallis Schröteri. Comparable to the Grand Canyon on Earth, Vallis Schröteri is approximately 160 kilometers long, up to 11 kilometers wide and almost 0.5 ...
Yes, the headline makes little sense to Google, Web Search Engines, and for SEO. And most likely mainstream social media algorithms don’t care much for it either. Screw them all! And here’s why.
Here are plenty of curated external resources to marvel at our cosmic neighbor. Many of my headlines make little sense to Google, Web Search Engines, and for SEO. For example, I titled Moon Monday ...
All these memes are free to share and modify under a Creative Commons license. Let me know which one is your favorite. I will update this blog post with more memes as and when I create them. Many of ...
When we think about craters on the Moon, we usually think of ones that can be seen with a telescope or in images sent by spacecraft around the Moon. But there are also ones we can only see with a ...