穆斯林在伊斯兰历的第三个月——赖比尔·敖外鲁月庆祝先知穆罕穆德诞辰。先知穆罕穆德诞辰在马来西亚又称圣纪节《Maulud Nabi》,该节日通常标记着宗教讲座的开办和古兰经阅读。 请向下滚动到页面底部以查看昔年的日期。 穆罕穆德大约出生在公元570年。
马来西亚砂劳越州的州元首诞辰被列为公共假期。 请向下滚动到页面底部以查看昔年的日期。 砂劳越是马来西亚少数几个不以皇族为首的州属。这些不以皇族为首的州属之首领是由马来西亚最高元首指定的州长。州长马来语的称号为《Yang di-Pertua Negeri》,亦称 ...
Sila skrol ke bawah halaman untuk tarikh tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Keseluruhan bulan Ramadan di penuhi dengan puasa, kehadiran ke masjid, dan pembacaan Al Quran (Surah dan ayat ayat suci). Orang muslim ...
From 2023 onwards, the state of Kelantan celebrates the Sultan of Kelantan’s Birthday with a public holiday on 29 September. The current Sultan, Muhammad V, is considered to be very well loved by his ...
Chinese New Year is the most anticipated holiday period each year for the millions of Malaysians with Chinese ancestry. It is also called “Spring Festival” and “Lunar New Year” and is dated based on ...