Hoewel er onderhandelingen lopen om een deel van de bezuinigingen op onderwijs te schrappen, ging in de Tweede Kamer donderdag het debat met minister Eppo Bruins over zijn oude begroting onverkort ...
That right has been limited since August 2023 due to an unfortunate wording in the Participation in Schools Act (WMS). The catch: the mr no longer has the means to request information himself. As long ...
There was no cloud in the sky when Robin (not real name) left school that day. In fact, the bright and well-loved student seemed to be looking forward to the trip to college. It would be the last.
More than 20 people let the Minister of Education know loud and clear: 'Don't cut back!' More than 20 thousand students, teachers and other education staff demonstrated today on the Malieveld in The ...