为认真贯彻落实习总书记视察湖北视察孝感的重要讲话精神,主动作为、服务大局、践行使命担当,2024年11月27日,由孝感市人民政府主办,中国食品土畜进出口商会、孝感市商务局、孝感市贸促会联合承办的“孝农优品·链通全球”孝感首衡城特色农产品供应链 ...
“我想为大家讲好老一辈核工业人的奋斗史,把党的光荣传统继承好、发扬好!”近日,在硚口区古田街道罗家墩社区,中核集团离退休干部、82岁的老党员张转运为社区青年党员、社区干工作人员带来了一堂生动的党课。今年是中国第一颗原子弹爆炸成功60周年 ...
This article originally ran on January 11, 2020. It has been updated with additional films, including Steve McQueen’s new World War II-set movie Blitz. Speaking to Gene Siskel of the Chicago Tri ...
The next time you can't decide what kind of movie to watch, stream "Emilia Pérez." In just over two hours, there's pretty much everything: noir crime thriller, thought-provoking redemption tale ...