A new exhibition in Florida is bringing together 22 mammoth backdrops used in classic studio films and celebrating the overlooked artists who created them Casual movie-goers and cinema obsessives ...
本土天王吴宗宪昨(26日)过62岁大寿,他与张葳葳结婚34年,育有吴姗儒(Sandy)、吴则含(Vivian)、吴奕佳(Olivia)以及吴睿轩(鹿希派)共3个女儿 ...
宋丹丹,一个在荧幕上和舞台上无人不晓的名字,不仅因为她满载笑声的出色表现,更因为她那深入人心的“国民妈妈”形象。近日,她的64岁生日 ...
美智子20日将迎接90岁大寿。 日本放送协会(NHK)报道,美智子16日在东京都港区赤坂御用地的住处仙洞御所跌倒,造成右大腿骨上侧骨折,7日住进 ...
香港女星上山诗钠迎来自己60岁生日,她为自己举办了60大寿宴,邀请了众多港星好友。 梁朝伟、刘嘉玲、叶童、古天乐、梁家辉、邱淑贞、唐鹤德 ...
Beginning Tuesday, world leaders will discuss three wars, climate change, rising sea levels and proposals to expand representation on the Security Council. By Farnaz Fassihi Reporting from the ...