The 8K Association has announced the launch of a certification program for 8K projectors, complete with performance ...
The list of manufacturers of UHD Blu-ray players continues to shrink. LG is exiting the market: The manufacturer has already ...
And while 4K video recording has become commonplace on a vast majority of smartphones, not many have the capabilities to record video in 8K resolution. So here’s a list of the top 10 flagship ...
“视听静界”上海超高清视听产业集聚区的揭牌标志着上海在超高清视听产业领域迈出了重要一步。这一集聚区的建设不仅为上海打造未来超高清技术国际创新中心奠定了基础,也为推动我国超高清产业的发展提供了新的动力。以下是对这一事件的详细分析:1. 超高清视听产业的背景超高清视听技术(Ultra High Definition, ...