Ortho Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Granules, 11.5 lbs Specifications Ortho Fire Ant Killer Broadcast ... Once applied, its protection barrier can last up to 5 years. This insecticide from Amdro is ...
A National Fire Ant Eradication Program spokesperson has been forced to confirm fire ant treatments are not harmful to bees after being contacted about a dead hive.
Fire ants dubbed “tiny killers” have been detected in northern NSW after hitching a ride from Queensland, prompting fears that state’s issue with the pests could cause a “national disaster”.
Letters longer than 200 words may be cut. The publication of letters is at the discretion of the letters editor. Biosecurity detection dog ‘Candy’ seeks out fire ant nests during the NSW Government’s ...
Published in the SCI journal Pest Management Science, the study showcases how the CyberDog robot, equipped with an AI model, can efficiently automate the identification and control of red imported ...
A south east landholder is behind an e-petition with thousands of signatures calling for a reassessment of the National Fire Ant Eradication Program strategy.
Pallets carrying 140 square metres of turf have been delivered to a Byron Shire property from a fire ant zone in south-east Queensland. The Queensland-based supplier had documentation showing the ...