Renaissance: The Blood and The Beauty explores the lives of three rival artists - Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael – who created seductively beautiful works of art during an a ...
"Fans and consumers and people outside of the industry might think it's a glamorous life... but it's just not ... artists can't make money from their art, which is serious for our cultural future.
As a student at Aalto University, you will be part of an ambitious and professional international community and a learning environment, enabling you to develop your artistic practice and enhance your ...
Recent Activity in the photography forums - discuss digital photography, film photography, photographers, Photoshop, techniques, cameras, lenses and equipment, along with advice on buying and ...
“Texture adds depth,” he explains. “It’s like life — it’s not smooth, but it’s full of character.” His art pays homage to the Cordillera, its people, and its enduring spiri ...