BRUSSELS, Oct. 18 (Xinhua) -- A forum on green industry cooperation between China, the European Union (EU), and Africa has underscored opportunities for technological collaboration and sustainable ...
Baktu Port serves not only as a crucial channel to Kazakhstan but also as a key link to Central Asia and Europe, solidifying ...
Specialized intelligence firm Avobook’s trend report for week 41 exhibited a radical change in the distribution of the ...
From Hami melons in Xinjiang to bell peppers from Shandong, a wide array of goods passes through Baktu Port in Tacheng, ...
国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)在访问老挝期间表示,在过去四年中,美国和东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)的伙伴关系比以往任何时候都更加强大和广泛。事实上,拜登总统去年将美国与东盟的关系提升为全面战略伙伴关系。 中华人民共和国于10月14日进行了大规模 ...
Bernstein believes the biggest factor for IPO appetite is post-listing performance. This year, the average return from ...
Attendees of the 6th World Media Summit visit a folk tourism area in Yining City, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous ...
10月17日上午11:30,一架乌兹别克斯坦中亚航空(C6)全货机运载45吨跨境电商货物从郑州新郑国际机场起飞,飞往乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干,经过短暂停留之后,航班将再次飞往比利时列日。这标志着中大门国际物流“郑州—塔什干—列日”跨境电商全货机航线成功 ...
本期全球设计奖项研究所为大家整理了2024 英国国际酒店&地产大奖 International Hotel & Property Awards获奖名单。据官网数据统计, 本届共有19个项目上榜,其中中国项目3个,占比15.7%,分别是Conran ...
这两天,你有没有发现:地铁上突然长满了人人人人人人其中还有一大部分是外国人网友们纷纷感叹“一睁眼身边全是老外”“人在广州,刚下地铁,有种环球旅行的既视感!”“明明在广州,却像是出了国”“大家都统一往一个方向赶是去干嘛”?“是什么把全世界各地的人都招来 ...
The National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and National Engineering Laboratory for Computer Virus Prevention Technology on Monday released the third report on Volt Typhoon, further ...
The China Center of Innovation and Partnership (CCIP), one of Bayer Consumer Health's global strategic innovation hubs across Europe, the UK, and the US, is the first one in Asia. The Shanghai ...